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Fuel Card For Small Trucking Companies

The TCS Fuel Card Helps Small Trucking Companies Save

The TCS Fuel Card was created with one mission, to level the playing field between small to medium-sized trucking companies and the larger fleets. We believe in giving everyone access to the same great fuel discounts, no matter how many trucks they have. What makes TCS the best fuel card for small trucking companies? We’ll tell you.

As other fuel card companies continue to increase their fees, TCS fuel remains fully committed to providing you with the best possible discounts we can offer on diesel fuel. We still offer low and fair costs for your fuel card, no matter your fleet size, and we’re keeping it that way.

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Why Should Small Trucking Companies Use a Fuel Card?

Small trucking companies like yours may not have a massive fleet, but they still come with many responsibilities. A big part of running your company is tracking your expenses. You spend money on employees, trucks, fuel, and repairs, and it may be challenging to keep up with all of them.

With a fuel card, managing your fuel costs is easier than saving receipts or record keeping in a spreadsheet. You can access all your fuel expenses across drivers in a single account, so you get a better picture of how you spend and stick to your budget.

Your fuel card can provide:

Efficiency Bookkeeping can be time-consuming, but your fuel card simplifies one aspect of your expenses. With everything accessible in one place, you can achieve more in less time.

Growth: When you’re connected to your spending, it’s easier to build your budget and keep your company in the green. Your improved efficiency can also give you more time to bring in clients and increase your income.

Peace of mind: With a few drivers to keep track of, you want complete insight into how they spend on the road. Your fuel card account will keep you in the loop at all times, so you can relax.

“My lifetime savings with TCS are $143,000-some-odd-dollars.”

– Paul Franklin, Co-Owner of Franklin Family Express Inc

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How Do Fuel Cards for Small Trucking Companies Work?

Our fuel card is almost like a debit card, but it’s designed specifically for trucking companies. While they have extra features that make them valuable to your company, they work like any other card. When you get to the pump, you swipe the card to get started. You’ll likely have to punch in a form of ID, like a driver number, but once you put in your info, you’re ready to fuel.

What sets these cards apart? A TCS Fuel Card is:

Secure: Your small freight company may have several drivers using your fuel card account at one time. Built-in security measures make sure your funds are safe. You get to decide who can spend money, how much they can spend, and where they can use it.

Easy to load: You have several options for loading money onto your card, like Zelle®, bank-to-bank transfers, and third-party checks. Choose the method that works best for you.

Tax-ready: Trucking companies have to prepare quarterly International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) reports to stay compliant. Find all the documentation you need for these reports in your fuel card account.

Transparent: View every transaction associated with your fuel card to get a comprehensive look at your expenses.

TCS Fuel Partners

Never Miss The Best Fuel Discounts

Features like security and transparency may be enough to sell you a TCS Fuel Card, but one of the biggest benefits is the discounts. The TCS Fuel Card has more than 2,000 in-network fueling locations nationwide where clients can save huge on fuel and receive zero transaction fees on fuel purchases. That can add up to thousands of dollars saved on fuel over time.

Managing your fuel costs as a small trucking company is important but it can also be challenging. How do you know if you’re getting the best fuel prices? With the TCS Fuel Finder you never have to wonder if you’re missing out on big fuel savings. The Fuel Finder is an interactive map that shows you the best fuel prices in your area or along a route on the TCS Mobile App or TCS website. The Fuel Finder makes stopping for fuel easy for you and your drivers.

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Everything You Can Do with a TCS Fuel Card

TCS Fuel Cards for small freight businesses are designed to simplify operations. Explore the many features that make your small company easier to run.

24/7 Fuel Management

When you’re running a small fleet you’re always on the clock and you need a fuel card that works just as hard as you do. The TCS Fuel Card provides 24/7 customer service support to help whenever and wherever you need it. 24/7 control over your fuel card is fast and easy with the TCS website and the free TCS mobile app. They both provide a complete look into your account anytime.

$0 Transactions Fees

When we say we have $0 transaction fees, we mean it. They don’t get lower than zero. That’s right, the TCS Fuel Card has zero transaction fees when you fuel up at more than 2,000 of our in-network locations – that’s more money in your pocket! $0 activation, membership, monthly, or annual fees.

Service & Tire Discounts

Small trucking companies don’t have the time or the resources to wait for or put off necessary truck maintenance and service. TCS is a fuel card for trucking companies. That’s why we provide discounts on preventative maintenance, oil changes, tires, and more at conveniently located TA Truck Service® Centers nationwide. Helping you and your truck drivers get in, out, and back on the road after maintenance or repairs is our goal.

TCS Fuel Card Clients Save on Diesel Fuel

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