How To Become EPA SmartWay Certified and Help Protect the Environment
How To Become EPA SmartWay Certified and Help Protect the Environment
Hauling a load can be more than driving your truck from origin to destination. In fact, you can celebrate Earth Day every time you transport the daily goods we use. Plus, doing your part to protect the environment is a huge selling point when it comes to finding customers.
This is where a SmartWay Certification comes in. With a SmartWay Certification, you send the message to potential brokers and shippers that you are concerned about Planet Earth and are willing to turn that concern into action. Don’t know what a SmartWay Certification is? Do you need information on how to get SmartWay certified? We have answers for you.
What is a SmartWay Certification?
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) SmartWay Certification recognizes the commitment to reducing emissions and improving fuel efficiency. The program is voluntary, and it requires a yearly submission of documented emissions data. Participating in the SmartWay Certification program gets you EPA recognition, and those credentials tell your potential customers that you care about sustainability. That can, in turn, translate to more business.
What are the SmartWay Certification Requirements?
SmartWay Certification is based on performance metrics and environmental standards established by the EPA. So, you must meet certain criteria in these areas:
- Fuel efficiency: Use fuel-efficient equipment, vehicles, and implement strategies to improve fuel economy, which include optimizing routes and reducing idle time.
- Carbon footprint: Track greenhouse emissions and reduce carbon footprint by using low-emission vehicles and minimizing fuel consumption.
- Freight efficiency: Optimize freight operations to reduce waste and improve efficiency by, for example, reducing empty miles and avoiding traffic bottleneck routes.
- Environmental responsibility: Be responsible for the environment through sustainable practices, reducing waste, and minimizing environmental impact.
The EPA then evaluates this data and assigns a score. The highest scores get SmartWay certified.
Who is SmartWay Certification For?
SmartWay Certification is for freight carriers, shippers, and logistics companies. The EPA developed the SmartWay program and opened it up to the three key players in trucking to help the transportation industry reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. In addition to honoring Earth Day every day by being kind to the environment, SmartWay Certification also gives carriers, shippers, and logistics companies a competitive edge that helps them stand above others in a crowded marketplace.
With the TCS Fuel Card, you can easily pull reports on the gallons of diesel fuel you use, which is information you need for a SmartWay Certification. You also get savings at the pump at more than 1,500 in-network locations across the country. Plus, you pay $0 transaction fees at all in-network locations. Are you ready to save money on diesel? Apply for the TCS Fuel Card today. Call us at 844-827-7705 or sign up today!